With performance reviews just around the corner how can you help your team to develop and grow in 2020? Are you using the 3E’s model to enable your team?
This tried and true model tells us that 70% of learning comes through what we experience or do, 20% through exposure to others and 10% through formal education.
People are different so it’s important to create opportunities for your team that include all 3 components. Take into considerations people thinking preferences.
People that need to experience learning by doing also need that information experienced in different ways. For people that are need evidence of their results and achievements ask them to do some research and write a paper on their expert subject. Ask them to publish it, as an article or a a podcast.
For a team member that is more focused on their purpose and experience at work get them involved in field work exploring their favourite topic and create a short course or video to explain it.
For someone that loves creating projects, ask then to build a plan with timing etc to apply to a new team event. Get them to stress test the entire plan to find any weaknesses, then run a focus group to improve it.
Ask a team member to do a job rotation for a day and then teach others what they learnt in a master class.
These example are all learning through experience, if we consider learning through exposure we may add listening to an expert, finding a coach, shadowing an expert or finding an executive mentor or even becoming one.
Formal education is also important and attending a seminar or a course, doing a workshop, or competing on line modules all engage team members in different ways.
The 3 E's is a great model to create positive personal development goals. I’m going to add one more though, empathy.
Empathy for how we learn and how differences are important will ensure that the goals you set for your team performance take in the whole person.
Watch my LinkedIn video and let me know your thoughts. https://www.linkedin.com/in/amanda-morey-4b182212/detail/recent-activity/shares/
