A lot is being said about resilience at the moment, it's the time of year when we all dig deep working hard towards a Christmas break. As well as finding our resilience it's important to switch our thinking and find ways to stress less. Here's my list of tips to help you make it through.
1. Don't sweat the small stuff. Good enough is good enough. Whatever you are doing consider this question,"is what you have done good enough?" Sometimes we set too high expectations of ourselves. Recheck that what you have done is acceptable , chances are you have done enough.
2. Think Long-term. Ask the question will this matter next week/month/year? If the answer is no, delay or delegate the task. If the answer is yes, then create a priority list to manage what is important. If everything is urgent then nothing is.
3. Take time to exercise. I know it seems like another thing to do and you don't have time! Believe me when I say that Michelle Bridges is right! Just Friggin' Do It! You will feel better, no one walked out of a workout wishing they hadn't done it. It's good for regulating your stress and allows you to think.
4. Say No. Do you really need to go to every drinks you are invited to this silly season? Take time when answering and limit yourself to 3 nights out per week. A few quiet nights at home will help you be at your best on the events you do attend.
5. Take a walk in nature. Nature walks are proven to restore our sense of calm. Make it a goal to do a long walk on the weekend. If you can't find the time to do a long walk, kick off your shoes and walk on the grass. Connecting to the earth literally grounds us.
6. Eat well. Make sure you eat colourful food to fuel your body. Give yourself the best chance to stay well. Try not to skip meals and make time to sit and slowly eat at least one meal. If you don't have time to make healthy food then use a good food delivery service.
7. Breathe. Take 5 minutes per day, find a quiet space and breathe, 5 really DEEP breaths. Focus entirely on those breaths and keep everything else out of your mind. Everything else can wait for 5 minutes. This simple act will restore your sense of calm, reduce your heart rate and help you face the next activity in a better frame of mind.

These are all basic things that everyone can do, it's not rocket science, you can choose a less stressed life. Be well and enjoy the festivities