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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Morey

5 tried and true ways to improve problem solving

Updated: Aug 8, 2019

Want to improve your problem solving? Use these tips to help expand your thinking and incorporate more ideas and creativity into your business.

1. Brainstorming- an oldie but a goodie. Spend 5 minutes jotting down various options to a problem, don't discard anything. Buddy up with someone and ask them to rank the ideas then explore each idea a bit further to come up with 3 viable options.

2. Worst case - think of the worst thing that could happen and then ask the question,

"If I could change 1 thing how would I make this better?" Has the problem got bigger or smaller?

3. Use Whole brain thinking- Four basic questions can get the ball rolling: 1. Have I got all the data and information I need to solve the problem2. Have I considered all the options? 3. Have I got the plan sorted out? 4. Have I got the right people involved?

4. 5 Whys: Find the root cause of a problem by asking the why question. Do not stop asking why until the true issue is found.

5. SWOT it! Do a strengths weakness, opportunities and threats analysis on the problem. Unpack the problem by breaking it down into manageable parts.

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